A simple prayer review
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Por: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Fuente: Catholic.net

Father Abbot had experienced it so many times in his flesh. So he felt the need to share it with a young priest, who wrote these lines: 

"Surely you will wonder what the signs are that one is on the right track in the world of prayer.

There Are Many pieces of advice in magnificent books, such as those of Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Juan de la Cruz, San Pedro de Alcántara, San Francisco de Sales, and other authors closer to us, such as Blessed Maria Eugenio of the Infant Jesus. 

I Would just Like to share another advice that I read or heard I don't remember exactly where, and I'm sure it's of great benefit. 

Imagine a priest entering a church to pray. The gloom helps him. Silence encourages peace. The Soul seems to fly to God. 

Suddenly, a person walks into that same church and lights up intense light. Soon After, another one there starts to cough noisily and annoyingly.

The priest starts to get uncomfortable. The time of prayer, which he needed so much, is assaulted by bad times. 

Don't spend five minutes when someone approaches to ask if you can ask him a question.

Our imaginary priest (often very real) replies that he is praying, to wait, to look for another. 

That Priest does not just understand that prayer is not an end, but a means. The only end to which everything should tend is the union with God, which is Love. And if one is attached to God, he loves the brother too.

Therefore, if when You start praying and you are interrupted, and if then you experience something of impatience, or anger, or anguish, it means that you have not understood that love "all things endures" (cf. 1Cor 13).

On the other hand, if the request for help and the small setbacks do not bother you, but they take you to welcome the needy, to listen to the one who asks, to care for the sick, is a sign that is attached to God. I mean, it's a sign that your prayer is very good quality. “

The young priest read the message and understood. Because more than once I had heard that "the father is praying and he cannot receive anyone now," and he had missed him very much. 

Thought that, certainly, a servant of Christ needs spiritual oxygen to help others, and that is achieved in prayer.

But he also recognized that "leaving God for love of God and brother" (another phrase that came from someone the abbot could not remember) is part of that living not thinking of oneself, but in giving life, time, even spiritual tastes, in the service of others for God's sake...