Impositions and evangelical humility
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Por: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Fuente:

Some seek to impose their point of view on others as if it were a victory that would show their value and superiority to others. 

This is true for discussions: the fight for victory is a concrete way of "proving" that you know more than others. 

This is also true when it comes to deciding on family food, whether to open or close a window, about who has precedence in traffic, even on how to use toothpaste…

Why is this happening? In the heart of the human being lurks a desire to impose itself on others, which arises not seldom from a feeling of insecurity. 

In A more or less conscious way, the impositions seek to reaffirm the own point of view, the personal value, the self-esteem, in addition to conquering a certain superiority over those who live near or far.

The Gospel, however, presents an antithetical path to that of impositions. The desire for superiority must be destroyed to give way to humble service and the search for the last position."Know that the heads of nations dominate them as absolute lords, and the great oppress them with their power. It must not be so among you, but whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be the first among you will be your slave "(Mt 20,25-27).

It Is simply to act as Christ himself, according to the following verse of the text just quoted: "In the same way that the Son of man has not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mt 20.25 28).

St. Paul will gather this teaching with the gaze placed on the Lord: 

"Do Nothing for rivalry, nor Vainglory, but with humility, considering each other as superior to himself, seeking each not his interest but that of others. Have the same feelings among you as Christ... " (FLP 2.3 5).

In a world where so many seek (we seek, evil is within each one) to impose and shine before others, the way of love leads to the service that desires the good of the other, even at the expense of oneself. 

Because, according to the great teaching of Jesus, "No one has greater love than he who gives his life for his friends" (Jn 15.13). He gave his life for us. We are also called to imitate you, to live the beauty of God's love in our walking ground...