Bad mood in children
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Bad mood in children
What happens when the one who gets angry with us is our little child?

Everyone at some point has been in a bad mood for various reasons and we get angry with our children, spouse or friends. Although we know that getting angry does not lead to anything good, sometimes we cannot help it. But what happens when the one who gets angry with us is our little kid? Today we will talk about the bad mood in children.

Usually, when an adult has certain attitudes hostile to others, we tend to justify their actions saying that he is upset and that is why he acts in that way, but when a child demonstrates these same attitudes we dismiss him as rude and ask him to stop having them.

The bad temper in children is observed since they are very small and are part of their personality. The attitudes that we tend to label as tantrums are nothing other than the manifestation of his anger at things that cannot change or that did not go as he expected. Some children get angry more easily than others because they have a stronger temper that needs to be educated so that they learn to control it.

These children of a strong temper sometimes become so angry that they lose control and their behavior ends up hurting others or themselves punching things, hitting others, whipping doors, and so on.

It is obvious that for the parents of these children it is more difficult to maintain a harmonious relationship with them because they tend to despair easily when they are overwhelmed by the behaviors of their children; coupled with the fact that children with this type of temperament, according to some experts, tend to have a greater capacity for argumentation than children who tend to be calmer, so that there could be more confrontations with them if they do not know how to approach them.

The important thing here is not to ask him to stop expressing his anger, but to help him control it and to express himself without attacking anyone. However, in order to teach children to control their temperament, the adults around them must lead by example.

As adults, we must understand that, like us, children can be in a bad mood due to various factors. Ideally, do not let your anger grow: the key is patience. You must help your children get to know each other and control their emotions through dialogue with an appropriate tone, eye contact, and a cordial environment.

In Family Network we give you some tips that can help you deal with the bad mood of your little ones:

    Providing a positive example in the face of conflict will improve children's attitudes.
    Before an uncontrolled attitude of your child, arm yourself with patience to answer in the best way and notify him that he will have your attention when he calms down.
    In times of calm, explain that you will get a better result if you manifest your ideas with respect.
    At the moment of giving some instruction, try to be clear and concrete with what he is expected to do, to avoid confusing and frustrated.

Through example and communication, our parents must help our children to learn to know and control their emotions so they can express their needs and desires in the best way. The solution is in the family!