First Dispute: “We Divorced!"
Family /Marriage

Por: Francisco Luna Macías | Fuente:

With the help of the Catholic Church and of some therapies professionals many marriages around the world were able to circumvent situations that were on the brink of divorce, a fact which threatened to bring more devastating consequences for the society and, worse still, for children.

This is explained by the specialist in sociodemographic studies Dr. Fernando statement, announcing a series of global trends that set as a priority to maintain the stability of marriage, even with the adversities of modernity. The academic of the UNAM referred to that those measures are increasingly boom as public policies in several countries, and the summarized in four tips to the readers of the weekly from the faith:

1- Search for spiritual support and psychological. As soon as the marriage partner detects that some problems arise because they start to happen discussions and disagreements that hurt, there they go immediately in search of spiritual help with a priest and, also, to a professional therapy. We must not think that one can resolve by itself. At the same time as it is the situation, it is because it is already about to overflow.

In some countries, is becoming a widespread practice the resort to the help of the Church and of the professional therapies specialists in psychology and human behavior. Dr. Pliego quoted in several states of the American Union, Canada and Australia are advised to marriages go to a conciliation matrimonial, and that exhausted the alternatives before reaching the divorce.

The specialist felt that this first point is becoming increasingly important in the interest of preserving the family unit. He also expressed the view that the current situation, opens to the Catholic Church the opportunity to teach the faithful to have better courtship and marriage through courses and programs, that help more to prevent that to remedy the catastrophic effects of divorce.

2.-Take decisions by common agreement. The points of view of Dr. Pliego is based on the study of the Social Sciences and, based on this, it has been demonstrated that the marriage offers the best opportunities for prosperity to its participants and that the strongest marriages are those who know how to work and make decisions in a team.

3.- Cultivate the emotional intelligence. This aspect is considered by Dr. Pliego as of the utmost importance, because the man must understand that they are present the emotional cycles of women, and both have defined differences by the very nature of gender. As posing a hypothesis very studied that said that the woman gives you by talking too much when it is in trouble, and demand that the listen; while the man in trouble prefer silence. According to the academic, there is a diverse bibliography that helps to try to understand the differences between the two sexes, which ultimately improves the marriage relationship.

4. - Practice solidarity. There is a genuine concern for the welfare of the husband, and it toward the wife and children. Is that to have a family is to strive, as when one practice a sport or a job. The family also need dedication the same thing that the marriage, because those who do not know be solidarity cannot have well to his family.

The most valuable thing on one as a person is your time, and parents must give it as well as its efforts and solidarity, although this involves leaving to one side the tastes of short term, whether its feasts, smoking, handle in state inconvenience, or the raw, and change such by other tastes of long-term, that are the care the liver, be well with the family, see grow to children and have a family to love her.